On Friday, June 5th The Gallery’s June Group Exhibition is featuring talent from the Bay Area to Baton Rouge. Our first show of the summer is a powerful exhibit of commanding artists each represented by a highly expressive body of work. Including iconic archival inks from San Francisco and an examination series on the condemned out of Oakland, an impressive collection of digital abstracts from Seattle and coming all the way from Louisiana, one artist’s intimate portrayals of life in oils. From throughout Southern California, we’re displaying stone & metal sculptures, collage & oils, light infused microphotography and colorful impressionistic cityscapes. The Studios will also be open so don’t forget to check out what’s new from your favorite resident artists. Come for the art, stay and meet the artists. Art Happens Here!
***On opening night only!
A pair of daring models covered only in body paint by renowned Los Angeles artist Paul Roustan will be present in addition to his provocative collection of painted nudes.
Featured Artists
Brett Kaufman | www.brettkaufman.com
Jennifer Lugris | www.jenniferlugris.com
Julie Crews | www.juliecrews.com
Matt Vial | www.mattvial.com
Paul Roustan | www.roustanbodypaint.com
Carol Roullard | www.CarolRoullardArt.com
Steven Christian | www.stuckonaneyeland.com
Keith Maxwell | www.trophiaart.com
Dafna Aloni | www.dafnaa.com
K. Ryan Henisey www.kryanhenisey.com
Jose Vertín www.josevertin.photoshelter.com
Michael Lampert | www.sojournerrecords.com/wordpress
Alyssa Burke | www.alyssa-burke.com
Kaegan Cusenbary | www.kaegancusenbary.com
Resident Artists
Nash Rightmer | Nash Rightmer Art
Yessíca Torres | www.gunmonkeyart.com
Barbara Alessandra | www.baplove.com
Jonas Lara | www.jonaslara.com
Jessica Mavros | Jessica Mavros Studio
Petrina Sharp | www.petrinart.com
Lisa Caren | Pierpont Design
Hekar Rivera | www.hekarstudio.com
Eva Ryan | www.evaart.gallery
Lorien Rennie | Lorein Rennie Studio
Mariana Royuela | www.peiranoart.com
Travis D. Shields | Travis Shields Art
Alena Sablan | Kaleidoscope Design Studio