Self Portraits


1/9 - 6/24, 2021

The Dab Art Co. is please to present self portraits, a solo exhibition of works by Alexandra Cicorschi and curated by Micheal Swank. Though currently residing in San Francisco, California, Cicorschi is one of our many talented Artists in Residence at our Mexico City location Proyectos Galería (PRPG.MX) via our virtual artists’ program.

Alexandra is a graduate of the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, and grew up in Romania, a country under the communist regime until 1989. Her early surroundings taught her that necessity and lack of financial resources can fuel creative reuse as well as an appreciation for an object’s true potential. Each self-portrait uses salvaged and discarded wood to create brushstrokes that honor the organic qualities of the material. Alexandra presents her Self-Portraits as versions of herself, fragments of a bigger picture, a reflection of what she looks like on the inside.

A self portrait can take many shapes. We continuously create versions of ourselves in ways we are not always aware of. Our words may say more than we intend to. Every time we express a part of ourselves, we create a reflection of what we look like on the inside.

-Alexandra Cicorschi


Alexandra Cicorschi lives and works in San Francisco, California. She graduated from the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, where she focused on etching, a traditional graphics technique. Her interest in wood as a medium emerged from her passion for making furniture, which became non-functional as her pieces evolved into more organic compositions.

In her artwork, strips of wood become her brushstrokes. Small movements inside wood grains influence large movements in interwoven flat sculptures. Open angles guide the fluidity of lines telling a story of perpetual movement and transformation. Continuity is at the base of creation because everything evolves from something. Where we decide to start our story is just the act of deciding what segment to focus on.

Alexandra finds inspiration in elements of nature, such as tree knots, clusters of leaves and rock formations. Her interest in contemporary dance echoes in her artwork, in the dialog between large gestures, broken movements and repetition.

2004 National University of Fine Arts, Bucharest, Romania - Traditional Graphics class
2007 Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany - Diploma in Fine Arts